Sunday, June 8, 2008

Chances and Changes

It would appear that we might have a US Senate race in Massachusetts. Jeff Beatty has secured recognition by the National Republican Senatorial Committee as the Republican candidate to run against John Kerry. Congratulations are in order--there was the possibility of a nasty fight with the Ogonowski camp over the nomination, but Mr. Ogonowski chose the high road. Mr. Beatty now has the difficult task of taking down John Kerry, a Democratic Senator in the Bluest of Blue States.

I am still undecided on Mr. Beatty; before I put my money down on a horse, I want to see its teeth. Mr. Beatty may have staked out his positions on the war, immigration, taxes and education, but I see nothing on his web page about abortion, marriage, stem-cell research, or the family. Hopefully, he will speak to these issues soon.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What if we held a party, and no one showed up?

Ah, poor dear.
One-man rally on gas prices gets no mileage

The poor man over-estimated the impact of the "high" gas prices on the good citizens of Massachusetts; wait until it reaches $6-7.00 a gallon, old son--you'll find your audience then.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hello, My Freaky Darlings...

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

T.S.Elliot The Hollow Men (1925)


This is to be my political blog--where I, a lone conservative in the neighborhood of Allston/Brighton--can vent about the idiocy that I see around me.

Yes, yes, I know--"Just what the world needs, more whinnging over politics". Too true, there is a great deal of horseapples spread around the digital frontier over politics. I would hope that, with a dash of style and a dollop of wit, I could provide some distraction from the typical, and intrigue enough souls to make this blog worthwhile. While I'm at it, I might very well stir up a little chaos in our fair city, maybe cause a scandal or two--wouldn't that be fun?

Besides, it's my soapbox--I can whinge if I like to.

I hope to prove interesting to watch.

Sincerely, your humble host,
William Claude Rhaines